Abortion Care Through
26 Weeks
Safe and confidential outpatient procedures
We specialize in providing safe and pain-free abortion procedures in a warm outpatient setting

Pain-Free Procedures
Anxiety Relief
Our staff can provide you with a variety of options to meet your comfort needs, regardless of which
procedure you will be having. Our goal is to provide you with a PAIN-FREE procedure. Most of our patients report that they feel no discomfort during any of the procedures.

Medical Abortion (abortion pill)
(up to 11 weeks)
A medical abortion is done using two medications: mifepristone and misoprostol. Patients who choose this method are given mifepristone in the clinic. Then, they take the second medication 12-48 hours later. Patients will experience bleeding and cramping that will likely be heavier than their usual periods, as they pass the pregnancy.
About 2 to 7 out of 100 women who choose medical abortion will need an aspiration abortion because the pregnancy did not completely pass from the uterus or to stop bleeding.
Seattle, WA
Las Vegas, NV
First Trimester Procedures
(up to 12 weeks of pregnancy)
The procedure used is suction aspiration, which is considered very low-risk. We offer a variety of options to manage your pain relief and comfort. Most of our patients report that they feel no discomfort during the procedure. For some pain-relief medications, you will not be able to drive for 24 hours.
The procedure normally lasts less than 5 minutes, and your total in-clinic time is usually less than 2 hours.
Above the First Trimester Procedures
(greater than 13 weeks)
The procedure used is suction aspiration and dilation and evacuation, which are considered very low-risk. We offer a variety of options to manage your pain relief and comfort. Most of our patients report that they feel no discomfort during the procedure. For some pain-relief medications, you will not be able to drive for 24 hours.
If your pregnancy is over 14 weeks, we may give you a medication 1-2 hours before the procedure to help prepare your cervix and enable us to perform the procedure more easily. In most cases up to 16 weeks, the procedure can be completed the same day. The procedure normally lasts less than 10 minutes, and your total in-clinic time is usually less than 2 hours.
Good To Know
If your pregnancy is above 18 weeks, we will complete the procedure over two days. Your total time in the clinic is usually less than 2 hours each day, and the procedure normally lasts less than 20 minutes on the second day.
We Care for You
Everyone at Lilith Clinic is dedicated to supporting you with any women's health care needs you may have, regardless of the circumstances.